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Big Data refers to the process of combining enormous volumes of diversely outsourced data and analyzing them, using complex algorithms to inform decisions. The advancement of technology and the Internet have facilitated education with various types of teaching, learning and assessment methods that can be achieved on/off campus, inside the classroom or virtualized environment

For example, online education platforms including Coursera, Shaw Academy, and Udemy et cetera provide online courses for anyone who wants to learn in contrast to traditional learning that requires specific age and skills besides attendance at precise location and time. 

The advancements of computing have enabled real-time automatic gathering, processing, storage, and analysis of the massive amount of data that satisfies Big Data definition terms.



Traditional learning had three models of behavioral, cognitive and constructivist. The behavioral models depend on observing the changes in the learners’ behaviors to measure the learning outcomes.

The cognitive models depend on the active involvement of the educator in the learning process which assists in guided learning. The constructivist models depend on self-learning from the knowledge available to the learners’. A new model “Connectivism” was introduced for learning through the extension of the personal network without the need for direct interaction with the educator.

Currently, e-learning environments, and communities such as discussion forums, online chats, Moodle, Flipped Classroom among others are reforming the education methods to improve the learning experience.  

Click 👉 here to read more.




Siemens, G. (2011). How data and analytics can improve education. Retrieved April 12, 2017, from 
Daniel, B. (2014). Big data and analytics in higher education: opportunities and challenges. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(5), 904-920. 
Digital Education (2017). Beyond the classroom: a new digital education for young australians in the 21st century. Retrieved December 12, 2017, from 
Drigas, A.; and Leliopoulos, P. (2014). The use of big data in education. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 11(5):1, 1694-0784  






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